Montag, 7. März 2016

Are All Tattoos Body Art?

Are All Tattoos Body Art?
Art has been around for a long, long time. So, a discussion of tattoos, let us take a look at what Karen L. Hudson reflects about art, “Art history expert, Andrea Mulder-Slater, defines a symbol as "a picture or image that tells a story without using words." It has been suggested that symbols such as cave paintings and carvings were man's earliest forms of communication.” Read more...

Before we delve into a discussion about tattoos and all the taboos they have, let us first break down what “body art.” Body art is any modification of the body. So, it can be as simple as giving yourself a manicure that is body art, of course! You can draw pretty flowers, fun shapes, and color gradients. It can be as simple as shaving your head in a decorative design, too. Therefore, when asked the question, “are all tattoos body art?” I think the answer is “yes, kind of.”
Tattoos act as a permanent decorations and commemorations of people, places, ideas, books, dreams. Every tattoo has a story. Maybe you will remember the shady area where you got your first tattoo. Or maybe you will always remember picking out a design on the spot. This is what I mean by story. It does not have to be a deep story, but it does carry a memory usually.
The question becomes then if we ever come to regret those pieces of body art later on in life. You have to think your tattoo through. Figure out what it means. Delve into the mythology of your tattoo, if you can.
But here is the thing, too, body art does not have to have a deep meaning. You do not need to have a deep story for each tattoo. Sometimes, you just like a certain image. Hudson writes, “As you explore the information on the following pages, you may find that a particular symbolic meaning does not match your own values. If this is the case, you need to consider if the association is really that obvious. “ Maybe you just like roses or petunias, and therefore, you just get a tattoo of them. “or example, let's say you have decided you want a tattoo of petunias, because they are your favorite flower and you just love them. But then you happen upon The Internet Florist and search for the meaning of petunias. And to your horror, you see that petunias stand for "anger and resentment"! Relax.”
Seriously, remember to relax. Symbols mean different things in different cultures, and as Hudson reminds us, “Many of these symbolic references are just for entertainment purposes, not some sacred commandment you have to stick to.” Happy tattooing! Read more...